How to Suggest Business Contacts you know but are missing or wrongly placed on a Listing on KEOnline

KEOnline offers a streamlined process for adding global businesses and suggesting contact details, making it easier to manage and access comprehensive business information. Follow this guide to contribute valuable contact data and enhance the platform’s database.

Step 1: Access Global Businesses

KEOnline provides access to all businesses listed on the portal, eliminating the need for extensive data searches. To start, navigate to the “Global Businesses / Brands” section.

Step 2: Search for Businesses

Use the search functionality to find any business on the platform. This feature allows you to quickly locate businesses and view their profiles.

Step 3: Suggest Contacts

If you have updated contact information for a business, you can suggest these details to improve the database. Here’s how:

  1. Click on “Suggest Contacts”: This option is available on the business profile page.
  2. Provide Contact Information: Enter the contact details you want to suggest, including:
    • Phone Numbers: Phone 1, Phone 2, Phone 3
    • Email Addresses: Email 1, Email 2, Email 3
  3. Submit Your Suggestions: Once you’ve entered the information, submit your suggestions. These will be sent to the KEOnline backend for verification and addition.

Benefits of Suggesting Contacts on KEOnline

  • Comprehensive CRM: The global search and updated contacts enhance the CRM capabilities of KEOnline, allowing you to easily find and connect with businesses.
  • Data Accuracy: By suggesting accurate and up-to-date contact information, you contribute to the overall reliability and usefulness of the platform.
  • Community Contribution: Your participation helps build a richer database, benefiting all users by providing more complete business profiles.

Adding global businesses and suggesting contact details on KEOnline is a simple yet impactful way to enhance the platform’s database. By following these steps, you can ensure that the information is accurate and comprehensive, making it easier for all users to find and connect with businesses. Engage with KEOnline’s community to create a more robust and reliable business directory, and take advantage of the enhanced CRM functionalities for seamless business interactions.



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