You can now add your products and services to your profile and sell to customers on your page looking for your packages. To upload your products, create an account on and create a seller account. You will then a Seller ID which you need to connect to your profile on your profile dashboard. Uploading services are however done from the backend of your account.
I have a deep understanding and several years of experience in the health sector. I have founded and managed healthcare institutions, and provided technical expertise in assignments on service delivery, health systems strengthening, health markets assessments, healthcare financing, healthcare management and strategy, project evaluations, healthcare franchising, public-private engagement and partnerships. My experience spans across Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Somalia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Bangladesh working and consulting for host governments, NGOs, commercial private sector institutions and development partners including the Kenya Ministry of Health, World Bank, USAID, KfW, PharmAccess, Abt Associates, Earnest & Young (Kenya), Results for Development, Banyan Global, Socha LLC, PS-Kenya, Insight Health Advisors among others. I have extensive experience in Kenya’s health system landscape and I’m currently involved in private sector leadership as a director of the Kenya Healthcare Federation and as a member of Kenya Medical Association.