
About Us

Abura Limited was incorporated in 2008. We are situated at Liquana Centre – KM4 on B9 Bondo – Misori Road. 0o08’12.2’’S 34o15’47.4’’E Objective: To carryout Engineering, Environmental, Communications and Technology Services and Consultancies. Engage in the business of building and engineering solutions and buying and selling of engineering, electrical, electronic and solar equipment and all kinds of information technology. To specialize in welding and fabrications. Mission Statement: Offer a wide range of well-designed, functional engineering, environmental and Technological products within the reach of a many million people. Vision Statement: To reach out to our customers through technology and innovations every second. Goal: To aim for growth from inside and Build an environment that empowers growth

Focus Area

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Faces Powering Abura Limited

Name - Samson Abura
Position - Founder & CEO

Listing location