How to Create and Edit an Account on KEOnline - A Step By Step Guide

Are you looking to enhance your business's visibility and reach new heights in East Africa and beyond? Look no further than KEOnline, a robust platform that empowers businesses and individuals to showcase their expertise and connect with a global audience. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to create, edit, and claim your account on KEOnline to unlock its full potential.


 How to Create an Account on KEOnline

To kickstart your journey on KEOnline, follow these simple steps to create your personal account:


  1. Visit Head to the KEOnline website and locate the account creation section.
  2. Personal Account: Note that this is a personal account, separate from your business account. This distinction ensures flexibility as you can transition between companies while retaining the same account.
  3. Privacy of Personal Data: Your personal data remains private and is not displayed to the public, unlike your business information. This includes details like your phone number, email address, and social media accounts.
  4. Multiple Businesses: You can manage multiple businesses under the same account, streamlining your online presence.
  5. Fill the Form: Enter the required details in the form provided and click submit to create your account.






How to Edit Your Account Profile on KEOnline

Once your account is set up, you can customize and update your profile to maximize its impact. Follow these steps:

  1. Log into Your Account Dashboard: Access your account dashboard on KEOnline.
  2. Edit Profile: Navigate to the top right corner of the page, click on your name, then select "My Account" followed by "Update" to edit your profile.
  3. Key Profile Details: Update important information such as your photo, contact details (phone and email - not visible to the public), social media accounts, country, personal website (if available), and your expertise or role.






Nominations: 10th-28th April, 2024

Voting: Voting 1st - 31st May, 2024

Award Ceremony: July 19th 2024

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Nomination: 23rd - 30th July

Voting: 1st -25th August 2024

Award Ceremony: 27th September 2024

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Award Ceremony: 6th December 2024.


Event Date: 7th December 2024.


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