A Guide for Businesses: Ranking for Visibility and Generating Leads with KEOnline

How KEOnline Helps Businesses Rank for Visibility

Achieving a high rank on KEOnline translates to increased visibility and a competitive edge over your rivals. Here's how KEOnline's ranking factors and algorithm work:


  1. Digitally Fit Audit Test (50%): Your business's digital fitness is evaluated through a comprehensive audit test, accounting for half of your ranking score.
  2. Voting System (30%): Engage with your audience and boost your score by encouraging votes, which contribute significantly to your ranking.
  3. Expert Assessment (20%): Our experts evaluate your online presence and contribute to your overall ranking based on their assessment.
  4. Category Ranking: Top-ranking businesses within specific categories are prominently featured, making it easier for users to find and engage with your business.
  5. Advanced Filters: Users can narrow down their search based on location, category, and other filters, increasing the chances of your business being discovered.
  6. Detailed Business Profiles: Businesses are showcased with logos, brief descriptions, and rankings, providing users with essential information at a glance.
  7. Map View Ranking: Your business's visibility extends to map views, enhancing your local presence and accessibility to potential customers.




How KEOnline Helps Businesses Get Leads

Lead generation is simplified and cost-effective on KEOnline, empowering businesses to connect with potential customers seamlessly. Here's how KEOnline facilitates lead acquisition:

  1. Free Business Listing: It's free to list your business on KEOnline, ensuring accessibility for businesses of all sizes.
  2. Affordable Lead Fees: Pay a nominal fee of Kshs. 50 or 0.32 USD for every lead received, allowing you to access customer contacts and engage directly.
  3. Multiple Lead Generation Channels: Utilize various channels such as the AI "Ask" feature, profile inquiries, quote requests, and product/service purchases to generate leads.
  4. Centralized Leads Collector: All leads are conveniently stored in one place, streamlining lead management and follow-up processes.
  5. Flexible Spending: You have control over your spending, as you only pay to reveal customer contacts when you choose to pursue a particular lead.



Nominations: 10th-28th April, 2024

Voting: Voting 1st - 31st May, 2024

Award Ceremony: July 19th 2024

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Nomination: 23rd - 30th July

Voting: 1st -25th August 2024

Award Ceremony: 27th September 2024

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Award Ceremony: 6th December 2024.


Event Date: 7th December 2024.


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