
About Us

KHAMA, a treasure trove of African arts and crafts, collaborates with African artists to demonstrate how skillfully old-world craft techniques have adapted to the modern world. Artists from Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Mali, Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Eswatini, and Senegal have handcrafted each of our African pieces. Handmade goods are a critical source of income for rural African women. Rural women are the family's backbone, cooking, cleaning, gardening, caring for extended family, and frequently bearing the burden of school fees. Working on orders together brings communities together and emphasizes the power of teamwork. Creating products from home while juggling daily responsibilities empowers rural women to earn a living. We believe that adhering to fair trade allows our African partners to build empowered homes and communities of their design.

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Kenya Handicraft Makers Association

We believe in collaborative design, strong partnerships, and providing opportunities for talented artisans to sell their handmade creations outside of their local markets.

Faces Powering Kenya Handicraft Makers Association

Name - Kenya Handicraft Makers Association
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